地点:德国 发布时间:2013-09-23 15:39:22
We seek to appoint:
Post-Doctoral Researchers
interested in
Sensory and Neuroendocrine Physiology
Several openings are available immediately for cellular neurophysiologists to investigate either:
(1) mechanisms of odor and pheromone sensing in the mouse olfactory system or
(2) mechanisms that mediate the Ca2+ homeostasis in hypothalamic neurons.
Previous experience in electrophysiological techniques are an advantage.
Our research program combines electrophysiology, physiological analyses with confocal imaging, neuroanatomy, immunocytochemistry, and behavior tests to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms that influence the control of neuroendocrine neurons and underlie the encoding of chemosensory signals.
The successful candidates will have completed the equivalent of a Ph.D. in biology, physics, medicine or related areas. Ability and willingness to communicate and collaborate effectively in an interdisciplinary environment are essential. Substantial support in terms of personnel, consumables and equipment resources will be provided.
We offer a creative working environment within a very successful group. Homburg is a lovely town in southwest Germany’s wine country near the German-French border, with fast connections to both Frankfurt and Paris.
Applicants should send their CV, list of publications, and names of two references (in a single PDF file) to Prof. Dr. Trese Leinders-Zufall (trese.leinders@uks.eu) in the Department of Physiology, University of Saarland School of Medicine, Building 58, D-66421 Homburg, Germany. Applications will be accepted until the vacancy is filled.

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