地点:江苏 发布时间:2013-09-24 12:51:24
1. 具有良好的团队合作和奉献精神;
2. 爱岗敬业,勤奋踏实、有强烈的事业心和责任感;
3. 在国内外知名高校或科研院所获得博士学位;
4. 具有博士后科研经历或海外学习研究背景者优先考虑;
5. 具有神经生物学或生物医学等专业背景;具有神经生物学,尤其是发育神经生物学或神经损伤修复相关研究经历者优先考虑。
6. 学术素养好,在科学研究方面取得过较好成就,在国际主流期刊发表过多篇第一作者研究论文;
7. 原则上年龄在40周岁以下,身心健康。
1. 具备独立开展神经生物学、生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学等方面的科研工作的能力;
2. 具有良好的文字运用和口头表达能力以及英文交流能力;
3. 能够协助PI指导研究生;
4. 能够独立申请和承担科研课题;
5. 能够独立应用英文撰写研究论文;
1. 个人详细简历;
2. 研究背景简述;
3. 若干代表性论文;
4. 学历、学位证明扫描件;
5. 近期免冠2寸证件照。
Associate Professor- Neurobiology
The laboratory of neural circuits development and repair at Institute of Neuroscience, Soochow University invites applications for a position at the level of Associate Professor.
Applicants will have a Ph.D. and preferably postdoctoral experience, with a strong commitment to excellence, originality, and productivity in research. The successful candidate will be expected to strengthen our research and should have expertise in Neuroscience, particularly in Neurodevelopment and Neurorepair.
The laboratory of neural circuits development and repair current researches are direct in exploring the molecular mechanism of axon wiring during spinal cord develop and repair, neural degeneration (AD, PD) and mental disorder (schizophrenia, autism and depression). The interested molecules include axon guidance molecules and adhesive molecules. For more information about the Institute of Neuroscience at Soochow University and the laboratory of neural circuits development and repair, please consult the web page at http://neuroscience.suda.edu.cn/cn/ or http://neuroscience.suda.edu.cn/cn/List.asp?ID=414.
Applications and letters of reference should be submitted to Xu Jing. Email: mandy_all@163.com. Applications should include curriculum vitae; a list of publications; copies of three significant publications; a brief description of research accomplishments and a statement of research objectives.
Successful candidates will be provided with competitive salary and start-up funding for research. In addition, facilities (such as residential accommodation, etc.), commensurate with those available to faculty of the host Institution, may be extended to them. We are also committed to addressing the family needs of faculty.
Applications will be accepted until positions have been filled. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.

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