地点:福建 发布时间:2014-10-29 13:31:24
基础林学与蛋白质组学研究中心(简称林学中心,见链接http://bfpc.fafu.edu.cn)成立于2014年5月, 林学中心座落于福建农林大学校园,由美国加州大学洛杉矶分校林辰涛教授与史蒂夫杰克勃森教授,以及美国斯坦福大学王志勇教授等国际知名特聘教授所组成的学术委员会进行科学指导,以期在数年内成为长江以南植物科学研究重镇。中心目前的主要研究方向包括植物生长发育及环境应答的转录调控制分子机制,植物表观遗传学机制等. 林学中心于2014-2015年招聘蛋白质组学、植物生理生化、细胞、分子遗传学、表观遗传学, 生物信息学,作物或林木栽培育种研究人员、以及质谱仪(Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Fusion™ mass spectrometer)操作分析人员共10-20名,技术人员,博士后,讲师,副教授, 教授职位不限,待遇从优,欢迎应聘。 
联系方式: Email:fnlinxue@163.com 
Faculty Position in Plant Biology at BFPC  
BFPC (Basic Forestry and Proteomics Research Center) is one of the three plant biology research centers newly founded in 2014 by FAFU (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University). It is well-funded by the university and local government, with the state-of-the-art laboratory and equipment in plant molecular genetics and proteomics. The research areas of BFPC include basic structure and function of the General Transcription Machinery, and transcriptional or epigenetic regulatory mechanisms of plant growth and development. About 10-20 researcher and faculty positions are available at BFPC immediately, including ranks of postdoctoral fellow, lecturer, Associate Professor, and Professor. Positions are not limited to any specific nationality. Recent PhD graduates with experience in plant molecular genetics, epigenetics, biochemistry, and proteomics are particularly encouraged to apply. Candidates should send a cover letter and CV to Dr. Wei Wang at the email address: fnlinxue@163.com. 

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