地点:上海 发布时间:2016-07-18 10:56:23
中科院上海植物逆境生物学研究中心(PSC) 坐落于风景秀丽的辰山植物园内,是国家、中国科学院和上海市共同支持的公益性研究机构。PSC成立于2012年,现已具有国际化的科研团队和一流的科研支持平台 (http://www.psc.ac.cn/cn/index.asp)。张惠明研究组的主要科研方向是微生物对植物生长的调控机制以及植物表观遗传学(http://www.psc.ac.cn/research_PI_res.asp?zu=Huiming+Zhang)。现根据课题组发展需要,诚聘博士后一名和研究助理一名,开展关于植物根际促生菌对植物生长调节机制的研究,以及关于表观遗传因子对植物基因转录调控机理的研究工作。 
1. 植物学领域的分子生物学、生物化学或遗传学专业博士学位; 
2. 扎实的独立工作能力以及良好的英语专业文献理解能力; 
3. 诚信、上进心和团队合作精神; 
4. 优先考虑熟练掌握分子生物学技术并已在(或已提交)国际期刊上发表论文者。 
Postdoctoral Research Scientist Positions in Plant Molecular Biology 
Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology (PSC) 
Type of Position: 
Postdoctoral Research Scientist 
Education Requirement: 
Description & Details 
A Postdoctoral Research Scientist position is immediately available in Dr. Huiming Zhang’s research group at the Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology (PSC). Research in our group is focused on plant interactions with beneficial microbes and on plant epigenetics (http://www.psc.ac.cn/research_PI_res.asp?zu=Huiming+Zhang). The successful candidate will investigate molecular mechanisms underlying microbial regulation of plant growth. 
Applicants with a PhD degree in Genetics, Biochemistry or related disciplines are invited to apply. Demonstrated experience in standard molecular biology techniques and plant biology is required. Research experience with plant epigenetics or biochemistry of volatile molecules is preferred but not essential. Good communication skills and a desire to achieve excellence are critical. Knowledge in Chinese/Mandarin is not required. 
Established in 2012, PSC is an international institute aiming to address fundamental scientific questions towards improving agricultural productivity and sustainability. Research at PSC is synergized by a battery of state-of-the-art core facilities including genomic, metabolomic, proteomic, microscopic and transformation facilities. More information can be found at http://www.psc.ac.cn/eindex.asp
How to Apply / Contact 
Please send letter of application, recent CV, and contact information of two references to Dr. Huiming Zhang by email: hmzhang@sibs.ac.cn 

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