地点:美国 发布时间:2013-09-17 01:05:05

A few Postdoctoral/Associate Research Scientist/Research Assistant Professor positions available immediately for NIH funded research projects at Nelson Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, Tuxedo, NY. The projects relate to the responses of mammalian cells to carcinogens at the levels of protein kinases, transcription factors and their target gene expression and protein modifications both in vitro and in vivo. For detailed information, please see our most recently publications: Mol. Cell. Biol, 2007, 27: 2713?731; J. Cell Biology, 2006, 175:607-617; 2004, 165:77-86. Cancer Res., 2006, 66:581-587; 2005, 65:6601-6611, 65:9287-9293; 2004, 64:94-101. J. Biol. Chem. 2006, 281:9093-9100, 281:24405-24413, 34113-34123, 39022-39032. J. Cell. Science, 2006, 119:2985-2994.

The candidate must have a strong training background in both Cellular Biology and Molecular Biology with high self-motivation. Experiences in signal transduction, protein modification and cancer research are highly desired. Please send your research interests, CV and three references to Dr. Chuanshu Huang by E-mail: huangc05@nyu.edu or Chuanshu@env.med.nyu.edu


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