地点:其他国家 发布时间:2013-09-17 03:10:50
Postdoctoral Fellow in Infection and Inflammation (2)
Project: Cytoskeletal networks controlling pathogenesis of intracellular bacteria and migratory responses in innate immune cells and barrier tissues. Reporting to: Dr. Ulla Knaus
Rho GTPases are considered master regulators of actin cytoskeleton rearrangements. Changes in the actin and microtubule network are critical for almost all basic cellular functions including migration, cell division, cell death, uptake of pathogens, second messenger generation and gene transcription. Our research focuses on providing a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie host cell responses and how pathogens or chronic injury subvert and alter these processes. The ultimate goal is the development of improved early screening methods and identification of potential therapeutic targets for rational drug design.
Applicants with a PhD or MD/PhD in Cell Biology, Molecular Biology/Biochemistry or another relevant field will be considered. Essential is prior experience and a track record of peer-reviewed publications in subjects relevant for the proposed project. Advanced microscopy, computer programming/software knowledge and expertise in proteomics would be advantageous for project1.
The second project requires familiarity with small animal models, microbiology skills, and advanced microscopy. Team players with strong communication and training skills are desired. High motivation, scientific curiosity and strategic organization are essential.
Application procedure:
The research will be conducted in the Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research at UCD, Dublin, Ireland. For more information URL: http://www.scripps.edu/imm/knaus/
Please submit your CV, a statement summarizing previous research, a research project interest statement and names of 3 references to Dr. Ulla Knaus (uknaus@scripps.edu).

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