地点:其他国家 发布时间:2013-09-23 20:44:26
The research at the Centre aims at gathering, strengthening and visualizing education and research within the areas environment and climate. The centre should also contribute to a strong environmental and climate profile to both the Faculty of Science and Lund University.
Postdoctoral positions
1 position: aerosol, vegetation and climate modelling NPA2010/295 in the programme MERGE – ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system.
6 positions: climate impact and adaptation research in the programme BECC – Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a changing Climate:
Agent-based land use modelling for management of ecosystem services in the face of climate change (NPA2010/286)
Trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and production of ecosystem services (NPA2010/289)
How will nutrient cycling of terrestrial ecosystems respond to climate change – a combined empirical and modelling approach (NPA2010/290)
Linking microbial diversity to ecosystem processes in soils (NPA2010/291)
Drivers of recent breeding distribution and population changes in Swedish bird population (NPA2010/292)
Interactions between climate and land-use (NPA2010/293)
Closing date December 1, 2010.
Read more about the positions: http://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/about-lund-university/jobs
Read more about the Centre: www.cec.lu.se

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