地点:北京 发布时间:2013-09-24 13:36:37
植被定量遥感研究岗位隶属于中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“陆地生态系统固碳参量遥感监测及估算技术研究”课题,城市热环境研究岗位隶属于十二五国家科技计划集成示范类项目“低碳村镇建设动态监测关键技术研究 ”。工作期限均为两年,如需要可适当延期。在享受中国科学院遥感应用研究所规定的博士后待遇(详见http://www.irsa.ac.cn/yjsjy/bshgl )的基础上,根据工作业绩享受研究室津贴,年薪10万元以上。
1)申请表(http://www.irsa.ac.cn/yjsjy/bshgl 下载)并附个人简历一份;
Research Opportunities: Biomass Estimation with Remote Sensing
Global resources and environment center, IRSA, CAS
No.1, West Road of Beichen, Beijing 100101
Advisor Information:
Wu Bingfang (+86)010-6485-5689   wubf@irsa.ac.cn
Dr. Wu currently is a professor and the head of Global resources and environment center in the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. From 2002, he has become the director of the ‘Information Center of Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Network for the Three Gorges Project’. On 2010, he was invited to be an Integrated Knowledge Management Coordinator for the International Ecosystem Management Partnership (IEMP) between Chinese Academy of Science and United Nation Environment Programme.
His research interests include the remote sensing applications in agriculture, ecosystem and water resource. His recent project of Carbon Sequestration Parameters Mapping and Calculating with Remote Sensing on Terrestrial Ecosystems, funded by Chinese Academy of Sciences, need recruiting young researchers to develop innovative algorithms.
Citizenship Requirement:
Foreign Nationals Accepted; Chinese Citizens Accepted.
Position Description:
Due to biomass is one of the key factors of carbon budget estimation, the necessity for monitoring and quantifying the amount of biomass for terrestrial ecosystem has recently increased. Remote sensing has opened an effective way to estimate ecosystem biomass. However, the application of biomass estimation over large areas has been limited because of using coarse spatial resolution data. A better description of the spatial pattern of ecosystem biomass will greatly improve its application and capacity within carbon budget assessment.
The successful candidate will work on a research to ecosystem biomass estimation method with finer spatial resolution remote sensing data and its application in ecosystem carbon budget assessment.
Candidates should have experience in one or more of the following: ecology, ecological remote sensing, environmental science, and/or ecosystem modeling and data assimilation. Candidates with experience in biomass and remote sensing are preferred. Please see http://www.agri-environ.net/english/index.html
This is a three-year position with a competitive salary (starting at 100000 RMB / year, plus One-Way Ticket and travel allowance). Candidates need to submit a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information of three references to Dr. Bingfang Wu (wubf@irsa.ac.cn) and Dr. Shanlong Lu (lusl@irsa.ac.cn) via email with the subject line “Application for Postdoctoral position”. Review of the applications will continue until the position is filled.
The Global resources and environment center is a unit of the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It mainly includes six research directions of sustainable agriculture, management of ecosystem, water resources and water cycle, social security and management, integrated knowledge management, and global disasters. International cooperative research is encouraged.
Research Opportunities: Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
Global resources and environment center, IRSA, CAS
No.1, West Road of Beichen, Beijing 100101
Advisor Information:
Wu Bingfang (+86)010-6485-5689    wubf@irsa.ac.cn
Dr. Wu currently is a professor and the head of Global resources and environment center in the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. From 2002, he has become the director of the Information Center of Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Network for the Three Gorges Project. On 2010, he was invited to be an Integrated Knowledge Management Coordinator for the International Ecosystem Management Partnership (IEMP) between Chinese Academy of Sciences and United Nation Environment Programme.
His research interests include the remote sensing applications in agriculture, water resource and ecosystem. His current projects involved study of Eco-hydrological process in Heihe River Basin Program, funded by Nation Science Foundation of China, focusing on the improvement and further development of ETWatch algorithm and software system.
Citizenship Requirement:
Foreign Nationals Accepted; Chinese Citizens Accepted.
Position Description:
Evapotranspiration is the sum of evaporation and transpiration. It is the most significant component of the hydrologic budget. Water managers who are responsible for planning and adjudicating the distribution of water resources need to have a thorough understanding of the evapotranspiration process and knowledge about their temporal and spatial rates. A better description of the temporal-spatial pattern of a watershed ET will greatly improve the understanding of eco-hydrological processes and the capacity of water management.
The successful candidate will work on a research to aerodynamic resistance method with remote sensing and its sensitive analysis to ET estimation. The research has been designed to improve the reliability, stability and continuity of ETWatch by integration of new development method.
Candidates should have experience in one or more of the following: hydrology, hydrologic remote sensing, hydrometeorology, hydroclimatology, environmental science, and/or Earth system modeling and data assimilation. Candidates with experience in evapotranspiration and remote sensing are preferred. Please see http://www.agri-environ.net/english/index.html .
This is a three-year position with a competitive salary (starting at 100000 RMB / year, plus One-Way Ticket and travel allowance). Candidates need to submit a cover letter, CV, and the names and contact information of three references to Dr. Bingfang Wu (wubf@irsa.ac.cn) and Dr. Shanlong Lu (lusl@irsa.ac.cn) via email with the subject line “Application for Postdoctoral position”. Review of the applications will continue until the position is filled.
The Global resources and environment center is a unit of the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It mainly includes six research directions of sustainable agriculture, management of ecosystem, water resources and water cycle, social security and management, integrated knowledge management, and global disasters. International cooperative research is encouraged.

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