地点:北京 发布时间:2013-09-19 06:41:45
中国科学院微生物研究所(http://www.im.cas.cn )是隶属中国科学院的科研事业单位,目前已发展成为我国微生物学研究领域中学科全、水平高的国家级研究机构。病原微生物与免疫学重点实验室中日联合实验室是中日两国政府间的合作项目,联合实验室石田尚臣教授研究组主要从事人类逆转录酶病毒发病机制的相关研究。研究领域覆盖1)与潜伏性感染相关的病毒基因分析;2)HIV-1共受体应用与耐药性的分子流行病学研究;3)与HIV感染患者的骨质疏松症相关的分子机制研究。
1. 具有医学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物化学、免疫学及相关专业硕士及以上学位;
2. 熟悉质粒构建、PCR、细胞培养、蛋白质处理等相关技术,具有人类逆转录酶病毒相关研究经历的申请者优先考虑;
3. 热爱科研工作、有较强的责任心、组织协调能力和团队合作精神;
4. 具有较强的英文写作与交流能力;
5. 身体健康,能尽快到岗工作的申请者优先考虑。
1. 本次招聘自发布之日起至2011年6月30日或至招满为止有效,符合上述条件的应聘者,请将个人英文简历(最后请注明两位推荐人的姓名,联系电话和邮箱地址)发送至imoakat#ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp ,同时抄送至 mhayashi#ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp (注意,发邮件时将#改成@)。邮件主题请注明“应聘联合实验室研究助理”,附件形式的简历命名为 姓名_学历_现单位/学校;
2. 初选合格者电话或E-mail通知本人参加面试;
3. 参加面试者需提供:1)学历、学位证书及复印件;2)专家推荐信和其它可证明本人能力及水平的相关资料;
4. 通过面试者到指定医院进行体检,体检合格者将被录用。
Research Assistant positions are available for immediate hire at the CAS-UT Joint Laboratory of Molecular Immunology and Molecular Microbiology (LMIMM) in the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Our research group is interested in pathogenesis of the human retroviruses (Human and Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses). The major research areas include: 1) the analysis of the virus genes pertinent to the latent infection.; 2) the molecular epidemiology of the co-receptor usage and drug resistance of HIV-1 in China.; 3) the analysis of the molecular mechanism of osteoporosis in HIV-1 infected individuals. ?Highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in the infectious diseases of the human retroviruses are sought.
A candidate for the research assistant positions must hold a master or higher degree in the fields of biomedical research. Previous experience in virological studies is favorable but not prerequisite for the employment. The candidate are expected to be familiar with basic molecular biological techniques such as plasmid manipulations, PCR, protein handling, and mammalian cell culture. Successful candidates should be proficient in both written and spoken English. The appointment term is project-based and can be extended till the end of March 2015 with an annual review.
Interested candidates should submit their CVs in English and the names of two reference persons with their contact information to imoakat#ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp, mhayashi#ims.u-tokyo.ac.jp (please change # to @ when sending email) by the end of 30th JUNE, 2011.

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