地点:美国 发布时间:2013-09-24 14:40:24
── (1) 通信网络; 或 (2) 网络安全
Postdoctoral and Visiting Scholars
Wireless Networks & Security Research
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
The Complex Networks and Security Research (CNSR) Laboratory http://www.cnsr.ictas.vt.edu/ at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA welcomes highly motivated and successful Ph.D. graduates or faculty members from China as Postdoctoral or Visiting Scholars. Potential candidates are advised to apply for funding through China Scholarship Council http://csc.edu.cn/ or other source.
CNSR is co-directed by world leading researchers Prof. Tom Hou (Wireless Networks) and Prof. Wenjing Lou (Cyber Security). CNSR offers a great opportunity to train and cultivate researchers who will become leaders in the research community upon returning to China.
Contact information:
Prof. Tom Hou (for Wireless Networks Research)
Prof. Wenjing Lou (for Cyber Security Research)

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