地点:广东 发布时间:2014-09-18 18:04:15
Bernard Meunier 院士团队高薪聘请博士后
广东工业大学“Bernard Meunier现代有机合成及新药研发实验室”是以广东省创新人才法国科学院院士Bernard Meunier教授为带头人组建的科研团队,主要从事有自主知识产权的新药研发。Bernard Meunier是法国科学院院士,波兰科学院外籍院士。是有机化学、药物化学和生物无机等领域的专家,在上述领域做了大量工作并取得许多重要科研成果。曾获得法国荣誉军团骑士勋章(2006)、荷兰皇家科学院笛卡尔-惠更斯奖励(2001)等多项大奖。现已获专利32项,发表论文378 篇,文章被引用14426次,单篇引用超过1500次,H因子62。曾任 Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.主编,Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., Acc. Chem. Res., ChemBioChem., J. Bioinorg. Chem., J. Mol. Catal., J. Organomet. Chem., J. Org. Phys. Chem.等杂志编委。已成功开发2个上市新药。 
一、 职位描述及要求: 
申请人应具有有机化学或药物化学博士学位。入选者将致力于新型配合物的合成(基于具有选择性配位能力的杂环化合物),以及体外生物活性评价。这部分工作将主要在广东工业大学Meunier院士实验室开展。部分研究将与法国CNRS合作进行。期间工作将由Bernard Meunier院士指导,刘艳老师协助指导。 
请于5月31日前将申请材料(英文):申请信、简历、两名推荐人,发送给Meunier 教授 (bernard.meunier@academie-sciences.fr), 并抄送e-mail: yanliu@gdut.edu.cn. 
邮 编:510006 
联 系 人:刘老师 
联系电话:(020) 39322090  
Prof. Bernard Meunier’s Group is looking for Postdoctoral fellows 
Position 1: Synthesis and evaluation of new specific copper chelators as drug candidates for AD treatment 
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive deterioration of memory and cognition and is the most severe health problems of aged persons. Among the different parameters that are involved in the development of the disease, one concerns the de-regulation of the homeostasis of copper ions in the brain. We have already designed a first generation of these specific copper chelators (see Meunier and coll., Plos One,7(8), e43105, 2012) and we are planning to preparation the second generation of specific chelators with expanded therapeutic fields, including Huntington disease.  
The successful candidate will work on the synthesis of these new ligands (based on heterocycles with specific coordination capacities) and on their in vitro biological evaluations. These works will be performed in Pr Meunier’s Laboratory at GDUT with connection for some aspects of the work with the CNRS Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry in Toulouse (France).  
The candidates should hold a PhD in organic or medicinal chemistry and have strong skillfulness in classical analytic methods (NMR, mass spectrometry, ....). Experiences in molecular pharmacology will be also considered as a positive element. The candidate should have a good spoken and written English level, and be able to actively participate to the development of the research topic (pro-active attitude). 
We offer: 
The successful applicant will be first appointed for a period of one year and this is renewable twice. He (she) will work under the supervision of Dr Bernard Meunier with the co-supervision of Dr Yan Liu. 
Appointment will be under the terms of the Guangdong University of Technology. The salary will be set, depending on education and work experiences, between the gross minimum of - and gross maximum of -, per month, based on fulltime employment. Meunier’s Laboratory offers an attractive benefits package. 
Written applications including a motivation letter, a CV and two names of academic colleagues for recommendation should be submitted before May 31st, 2013 by e-mail to Dr Yan Liu (e-mail: yanliu@gdut.edu.cn) with copy to Dr Bernard Meunier (e-mail: bernard.meunier@academie-sciences.fr). 
Pr Bernard Meunier Dr Yan Liu 
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS Department of Light Industry and 
205 route Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse cedex 4, France Chemical Engineering 
Guangdong University of Technology 
No. 100 Waihuan Xi road, Higher Education Mega Center, Panyu District,  
Guangzhou, P. R. China 
Position 2: Dual inhibitor of AChE and -amyloid protein formation as drug candidates for AD treatment. 
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a progressive deterioration of memory and cognition and is one of the most severe health problems of aged persons. Due to the multifactor nature of AD, drugs with multiple targets could be more beneficial for the patients than single target molecules. In this research project, dual inhibition of AChE and -amyloid protein formation will be focused in order to discover drug candidates for AD treatment. 
The successful candidate will work on organic synthesis and in vitro biological evaluation of the target molecules. These works will be performed in Meunier’s Laboratory and the pharmacological properties of the optimized compounds by this SAR study will be further elaborated in collaboration with either the pharmacology group in GDUT or other laboratories in China or France.  
The candidates should hold a PhD in organic or medicinal chemistry and have strong skillfulness in common analysis methods, such as NMR, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, and so on. Experiences in bioassays, molecular modeling or pharmacology, is a plus. The candidate should have a good spoken and written English level, and be an independent problem solver. 
We offer: 
The successful applicant will be first appointed for a period of one year and this is renewable twice. He (she) will work under the supervision of Professor Chang-Zhi Dong. 
Appointment will be under the terms of the Guangdong University of Technology. The salary will be set, depending on education and work experiences, between the gross minimum of - and gross maximum of -, per month, based on fulltime employment. Meunier’s Laboratory offers an attractive benefits package. 
Written applications including a motivation letter, a CV and two recommendation letters upon request should be submitted before May 31st, 2013 by email to dong@univ-paris-diderot.fr. 
Dr. Chang-Zhi Dong, 
Université Paris Diderot, 
15, rue Jean Antoine de Baif, 75013 Paris,France. 
Position 3: Development of the heterocyclic compounds for targeting tau protein as novel drugs against AD  
The project is focused on two major strategies targeting tau protein. The first is to develop selective inhibitors of GSK3, in order to reduce the formation of abnormal tau protein. Another is to synthesis small molecules blocking tau aggregation.  
The researcher will synthesize and characterize heterocyclic compounds and test these targeted compounds, using either fluorescence assay, or FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) assay. The chemical and biochemical work will be performed within Meunier’s Laboratory, and the pharmacological work will be realized in collaboration with pharmacologists of the Guangdong University of Technology. More details can be obtained by email.  
The candidates should hold a PhD in organic chemistry and have experience with organic synthesis. Experience with common characterization techniques (NMR, mass spectrometry, spectroscopy, etc.) is a must; experience in testing of enzymatic activity, molecular modeling or biochemistry, is a plus. The candidate should have an excellent publication list, and have a good spoken and written English level. 
We offer: 
The successful applicant is initially appointed for a period of two year. After positive evaluation of capabilities and compatibility and if progress is satisfactory, the appointment will be extended by another 2 years. During your appointment you will be supervised by Professor Huixiong Chen. 
Appointment will be under the terms of the Guangdong University of Technology. The salary will be set, depending on education and work experience, between the gross minimum of - and gross maximum of -, per month, based on fulltime employment. Meunier’s Laboratory offers an attractive benefits package. 
Written applications including a motivation letter, a CV, two recommendation letters, and a publication list, should be submitted before May 31st, 2013, preferably by email, to: huixiong.chen@parisdescartes.fr. 
Université Paris Descartes, 
Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques, CNRS UMR 8601, 
45, rue des saints-pères, 75006 Paris, France. 

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