地点:上海 发布时间:2014-11-11 11:10:12
1. 平台仪器的运行,维护,解决相关技术问题; 
2. 培训用户使用各类仪器,帮助常规实验的设置, 并协助管理用户; 
3. 协助部分行政工作及负责人布置的其他相关工作。 
1. 细胞生物学、分子生物学、植物学等相关专业硕士毕业(优秀候选人可放宽至本科学位,并至少2年工作经验),有仪器维护经验及植物学背景者优先录用。 
2. 良好的中英文沟通能力,能够独立工作也乐意在国际化的研究环境中工作,具有很强的服务意识,奉献精神。 
3. 为人诚实,正直,身体健康,可以长期稳定工作 
有意向者请将中英文简历,研究兴趣发给Shingo Nagawa 博士的邮箱 snagawa@gmail.com 邮件标题请注明“应聘细胞生物学平台研究助理/技术员” 应聘材料恕不退还,单位将予以保密。符合要求者,将安排面试,面试时需提交学历及相关证明、资格证书复印件。 
Microscopy/Imaging Technician (or Research Assistant) Position in Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology 
Shanghai Center for Plant Stress Biology (SBC) is an institution of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) recently established to conduct cutting-edge research in all important areas of plant science and biotechnology. With joint funding from the Chinese central government, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Shanghai municipality and in affiliation with the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, SBC) aims to become a world’s leading center for plant-related research. It will curate innovative, vibrant, and interactive research groups synergized by a battery of state-of-the-art core facilities. 
Information about cell biology core facility: 
Recent advancement in imaging techniques and other technologies made cell biological analysis essential for a broad range of biological research. With the aim of supporting scientists in SBC, the cell biology core facility will host a suite of state-of-the-art instrumentations such as high-end confocal microscopies, electron microscopy as well as automated machine for immunohistochemical experiments. These instrumentations will cover broad range of demand by researchers working on different fields. Our goal is to provide best possible environment for researchers to perform cutting-edge research. 
Position Description 
The successful candidate will be responsible for administrative work for the core facility as well as daily operation, maintenance and troubleshooting of various equipments in the core facility. He/she will also provide training sessions to instrumentation users, manage user reservation, and assist uses in setting up routine experiments. 
Minimum qualifications include a Master degree in Biological Sciences or a related field. Extensive experience in operating cell biological instrument is required. Prior experience in plant science research is preferable but not essential. 
Qualified candidates should have strong communication skills in Chinese and English, the capacity to work independently, and excellent inter-personal skills necessary for interacting and working with diverse groups of researchers. 
To Apply 
Please send your CV, cover letter and research statement to Dr. Shingo Nagawa at snagawa@gmail.com 

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