地点:其他国家 发布时间:2013-09-17 01:05:20
 A Post-doc position (3 years) is currently available in the research group of Professor Bjarne Bogen, Center of Immune Regulation, Center of excellence, Institute of Immunology, University of Oslo, Norway. The project will follow up our studies on the development of B cell lymphoma in transgenic mice, see the groups recent paper in “The Journal of Experimental Medicine”, 2007, Vol. 204, No. 5, 1181-1191, http://www.jem.org/cgi/content/abstract/204/5/1181. The research will focus on the role of T cells in lymphoma. Lymphoma and T cells will be tracked utilizing bioluminescence and fluorescence whole body 2/3D imaging of mice and sections (IVIS spectrum). Immunohistochemistry will be performed. Cells will be sorted with 9-color FACSaria flow sorter. Gene expression profiling (microarray) and proteomic studies will be undertaken. A sabbatical at Harvard/Dana Faber with our collaborators may be included in the position. The applicant must have published her/his work in international peer reviewed immunology journals (or related field). Experience with mice is an advantage but not a prerequisite. The applicant will work in a 20-member group, in a team of 3-4 scientists in related research projects. Application deadline: February 20, 2008. The position may be decided before this date if applications from qualified applicants are received.

Salary: 46 800-57 000 Euros (60 000-73 900 USD) per annum.

Send curriculum vitae and the names of up to three references to: Ludvig Munthe, Institute of Immunology Rikshospitalet 0027 Oslo, Norway. Pdf-documents as appendages are preferred to e-mail address: l.a.munthe@medisin.uio.no. Further information can be found on the group Webpage: http://www.immunol.net. Alternatively applications may be sent by fax, FAX No. + 47 23 07 35 10.


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