地点:其他国家 发布时间:2013-09-17 02:24:53

A new group (Group leader: Ayumu Tashiro) that will be formed in the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and the Centre for the Biology of Memory at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, located in Trondheim, Norway (http://www.ntnu.no/cbm/), is looking for 2 postdoctoral fellows to study the function of hippocampus circuitry in learning and memory, using a multi-disciplinary approach combining virus-mediated genetic manipulation, optical stimulation and multi-unit recording techniques in behaving rodents.

Our interest focuses particularly on multi-unit recording analysis to understand 1) the function of adult dentate neurogenesis (Ref. Tashiro et al. Nature 442:929-33, 2006. J Neurosci, 27:3252-9, 2007. Leutgeb et al. Science, 315:961-6) and 2) cellular mechanisms underlying place cell activity (For further information, please contact Ayumu Tashiro by email). Candidates with a strong background in some field of experimental neurobiology are preferred. But highly motivated candidates from other fields of biology are also encouraged to apply. The research projects will be performed under close collaboration with other groups in the institute.

To apply, please send C.V. and a description of your research interest by email to Ayumu Tashiro (ayumu.tashiro@ntnu.no).


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