地点:美国 发布时间:2013-09-17 03:09:19

Our laboratory is geared towards discovering new human tumor viruses using DTS, and using these viruses as tools to uncover basic human biology. Current studies involve programmed frameshifting, tumorigenesis and innate immune evasion for KSHV and MCV (a new human polyomavirus). The successful applicant should have published experience in tumor virology, molecular biology and/or genomic analysis.

Send CV and three letters of reference by fax or mail to: Patrick S. Moore, MD MPH (psm9@pitt.edu) and Yuan Chang, MD (yc70@pitt.edu), Molecular Virology Program, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, 5117 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, http://www.tumorvirology.pitt.edu/


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